
How to Avoid Common Social Media Ethics #Fails

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As the culmination of PRSA’s 2011 Ethics Awareness Month, the PRSA Board of Ethics and Professional Standards (BEPS) hosted a special webinar (click here for the slide deck) Sept. 29, 2011, on social media ethics. Members of BEPS provided insight and training for public relations professionals on how the PRSA Code of Ethics can help determine the proper ethical course of action and protect their clients’ reputation and credibility when engaging in social media campaigns.

In addition to providing guidance on how public relations professionals can ensure their social-media campaigns uphold the ethical standards of the profession, BEPS members offered lessons learned from case studies of unethical practices in social media.

You can view the presentation here and below. An on-demand version of the webinar is available here.

You can continue the focus on ethics awareness in public relations by using the Twitter hashtag #PRethics, writing blog posts and other commentary focusing on the ethical value of public relations and developing programs to educate your clients, employers and colleagues on public relations’ ethical tenets.

About the author

Keith Trivitt


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