Advocacy PRSA News

PRSA President-Elect Michael Cherenson Says Advocacy for the Profession Starts at the Grassroots

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Michael Cherenson, APR, and president-elect of the Public Relations Society of America spoke to me about the future … of the public relations profession and the importance of advocacy.

Watch President Elect of PRSA Mike Cherenson Talks About the Future of the Profession in How to Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Watch President Elect of PRSA Mike Cherenson Talks About the Future of the Profession in How to Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Kami Watson Huyse, APR, principle of My PR Pro, is a sought-after speaker and writes an award-winning blog, Communication Overtones, on the topic of public relations and social media strategy.

About the author

Kami Watson Huyse


  • I’m glad that Cherenson recognized the importance of advocating our profession in cohesion with ethical our values.

    As a public relations student who also works as a journalist, I’ve witnessed a perception among journalists (both students and full-time professionals) that fosters the idea of many public relations professionals being unethical.

    We can bettor ‘edvocate’ by truly upholding and applying the PRSA ethics in everything we do. PRSA and PRSSA members must remind themselves and educate others on how to accomplsih public relations strategies/tasks through the use of those ethical values. In the long run, this will help our productivity in the workplace, enhance our clients’/organization’s reputations and remove the bad taste out of the mouths of journalists when they utter “public relations.”

    That is a grassroots effort we all benefit from.

  • I think Mr. Cherenson’s comments are right on the mark. As I start my APR journey I will look forward to listening to great leaders like Mike.

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