PR Training

GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz on the Importance of Communication

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During the PRSA 2008 International Conference, Bob Lutz, Chairman of GM took some time out to talk with me about the importance of corporate communication.

He talks about the primary role of communications being to get the truth out, to erase misperceptions and sometimes to let the media know why you can’t talk, such as in times like these when General Motors is in discussions with the government.

He also talked about the importance of social media channels, like the GM Fastlane Blog, where the company can get out an unfiltered message.  Moreover, they can explain the truth and why that the company believes it is the truth.

When asked about two-way communications with critics and fans, he admitted that there is a lot of negativity out there, but that hearing back from the social media channel also has value. He says that you have to have a thick skin.

“It at least takes you out of the dream world,” Lutz said. “We can fall into a trap of thinking that because we are such wonderful people that everyone likes us.”

He also talked about a new communication strategy that they have adopted as they developed the new Volt.

“As we learn, we also convey,” he said.

Watch Interview with Bob Lutz, Vice Chairman of General Motors at PRSA Inernational Conference in How to Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Kami Watson Huyse, APR, principle of My PR Pro, is a sought-after speaker and writes an award-winning blog, Communication Overtones, on the topic of public relations and social media strategy. In this half-day pre-conference seminar, Kami follows the three-step process to demonstrate how social media tactics may be included in the overall communications strategy.

For coverage on the PRSA 2008 International Conference: The Point of Connection, visit

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Kami Watson Huyse

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