Coming to Conference is about extending one’s excellence in practice. We hear sea stories from our colleagues about what worked, what didn’t and we get a chance to learn about the latest trends in public relations.
But some of those little gems of lessons we learned happened a long, long time ago on a college campus in a land far, far away. Some of the most important lessons of practice we learned came from our PR professors.
In honor of Besty Plank, the first female PRSA president and a champion of education efforts, we asked attendees the recount the best lesson they learned from their PR professors.
What is the Best Lesson You Learned from a PR Professor?
We heard about evaluation, relationships, being on message and knowing no bounds in what you can achieve. You won’t be surprised about the names we heard dropped in this video either — James Grunig, David Dozier, Don Stacks, Betty Jones.
What was the best lesson you learned? Share in the comments.
Dr. Kaye Sweetser, APR+M, associate professor, H.W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She is a practitioner, a scholar and had the great pleasure of advising the national champions in the 2010 PRSSA Bateman Case Study Competition. Dr. Sweetser is a member of the APR+M Council. Connect with Kaye on LinkedIn and on Twitter @kaye.
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