PRSA News Thought Leadership

PRSA Members: More of What You Want, Less of What You Don’t

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Something that I’ve continued to stress since joining PRSA as president and COO in 2007 is the importance of making PRSA a more data-driven organization. That is, using formal and informal research to shape our strategic plans and tailor our product and service offerings to the wants and needs of our unique member segments.

In 2008, we conducted an extensive member value and perception survey, which revealed a number of things with respect to, among other things, which attributes of PRSA that our members like, and dislike, the most. While the survey showed most members have a high level of satisfaction with their PRSA memberships, it has nevertheless helped us to focus on those areas where we can do better.

As an example, the research and other feedback we’ve received indicates that PRSA members regard our daily news digest e-mail, Issues & Trends, as one of their most valued member benefits. At the same time, the data showed that some members regard the overall volume of e-mail they receive from PRSA to be excessive and overwhelming.

In response to these findings, PRSA is launching a new daily communications vehicle that is designed to give our members more of what they want, and less of what they don’t.

Today marks the introduction of our totally revamped Issues & Trends, which was designed with input from PRSA leaders across the country and tested with them last month.

This new communications vehicle will continue to deliver a concise summary of the day’s top articles of interest to public relations professionals. Now, however, it will also incorporate PRSA news, notices and offers, all of which we had previously communicated through stand-alone e-mails.

The new Issues & Trends will feature a different theme and related content daily:

  • “Career” Mondays will feature job listings, career articles, job listing feeds and other career resources.
  • “Learning” Tuesdays will provide Professional Development opportunities and featured sessions, free webinar listings and APR seminar listings.
  • “Section” Wednesdays will list information pertaining to Professional Interest Section seminars, resources, newsletters and networking information.
  • “Membership” Thursdays will feature leader resources and news, Chapter highlights, and member highlights, benefits and resources.
  • “PRSA” Friday will provide general news and information about the Society.

This approach will preserve — if not enhance — one of PRSA’s most cherished member benefits, while also greatly reducing the number of e-mails our members receive each day.

To be clear about your expectations in this latter regard, you may continue to get separate e-mails from PRSA that communicate information about your membership, our Professional Development offerings, Silver Anvil Awards and International Conference, or that reflect your level of involvement with our organization; for example, Chapter leaders, committee members or Assembly Delegates might receive e-mails specific to them and the volunteer initiatives in which they are involved.

Our goal for the next generation of Issues & Trends, however, will be to incorporate dynamic messaging, such that much of the information still being communicated via stand-alone e-mails can be incorporated into individually personalized Issues & Trends, based on each member’s specific interests and preferences.

If you are not already opted in to receive Issues & Trends, please consider changing your communications preferences to begin receiving this new daily publication. To do so:

(1)  Log in to MyPRSA.
(2)  Click the “E-Mail Preferences” tab.
(3)  Check the box next to “PR Issues and Trends.”
(4)  Click “submit.”

If you need assistance, please send an e-mail to, and we’ll gladly assist.

I’m confident that you will enjoy the newly revised Issues & Trends, which will continue to provide valuable news and information while reducing the volume of e-mail you receive from us. I hope you’ll agree!

William R. Murray, CAE, is president and COO of PRSA.

About the author

William Murray

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