PR Training

Market Your News — The Journalist as a Target Market

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Public relations today means multiple publics. Think media relations, investor relations, government relations, community relations and consumer relations. The key is to market your communications to these various audiences and target your content to each one.

The best way to do that is to maintain your online newsroom as a centralized communications center. Each section within your online newsroom should hold content that caters to that market. No matter where the journalist, consumer or analyst began their journey to learn about your organization — press release or social media site — you always want to direct the traffic back to the online newsroom. You’ll streamline your workload, fulfill your communications obligations and expand your opportunity for editorial coverage and viral conversation.

However, if your online newsroom doesn’t house the essential elements it should, you could do more harm than good. Journalists are pretty direct about what they want, and how quickly they want it. There are ten essential elements and five essential functions to have in an online newsroom — all based on feedback from journalists.

If you want to learn the essential elements and functions of an online newsroom, and the nuances behind each, join me for the free PRSA Professional Development webinar, “Top Ten Elements to Have in an Online Newsroom,” on Thursday, July 17, 2008.

By Ibrey Woodall, CIW, director of Marketing/Sales, TEKgroup International, Inc. Ibrey is an active speaker and has been nominated for the Association of Women in Communications 2006 Woman of the Year (Technology). She has been published in PR Tactics, PR WEEK, Bulldog Reporter’s Daily’‘Dog, and the South Florida Business Journal. She has been instrumental in the launch of online newsrooms for Delta Air Lines, Prudential Financial, CIGNA, Accenture, PRSA and others.

About the author

Ibrey Woodall

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