For each issue, the editors of Strategies & Tactics ask PRSA members a “Question of the Month.” In honor of the upcoming ICON, we posed the following: What advice would you share for a first-timer at PRSA’s International Conference?
“After you build your schedule around content that’s most applicable to you, pick a wild-card session that’s totally different. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll learn from a topic that might not appeal to you at first glance.”
— Dana Phelps
CEO, Clairemont Communications
Raleigh, N.C.
“My advice fits two buckets: Learn lots. Plan ahead by choosing sessions you’re interested in before arriving, based on your goals for the conference. Have fun. Meet lots of people. Then follow up afterward to build the relationships.”
— Mary Deming Barber, APR, Fellow PRSA
President, The Barber Group
Gig Harbor, Wa.
“Take advantage of every opportunity! Use the app to plan ahead. Sign up for sessions, attend Newcomers Orientation, and be sure to meet at least three new people. Our conference is the absolute best environment to learn something new, network with other PR pros, and simply have fun.”
— Regina Luttrell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Public Relations and Social Media, Syracuse University
Syracuse, N.Y.