PR Training

PRSAICON Around the Blogosphere: PR Measurement, Content Marketing, Hispanic PR

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Not attending the 2012 PRSA International Conference in San Francisco this week? Here’s a taste of what you’re missing!

From the Cision Blog:

Research director of Cision Global Analysts Greg D’Andrea joined other heavyweights in the measurement arena at [the PRSA/AMEC Measurement Symposium] to discuss the Barcelona Principles and how to apply them.

We have compiled some tweets shared from symposium attendees, and also want to share tips from D’Andrea, on global PR measurement. (Read more)

From the TopRank Online Marketing Blog:

Content has always played an essential part of effective public relations. However, PR pros that don’t sink their teeth into content strategy, development and measurement quickly and effectively, will be left behind as the future of PR evolves. That’s a fairly strong statement, but it’s incredibly important and timely

…[C]onnectivity enables consumers and brands alike to: Create, Consume, Publish, Interact and Transact anywhere, anytime. From tablets to smartphones to getting digital content via your car, the relationship between technology and people has had a major impact on how information is discovered, consumed and shared or acted upon. (Read more)

From the Hispanic PR Blog:

The professional development workshop, Demystifying the Hispanic PR Paradigm…will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 8–9:15 a.m.

Moderator will be Carolina Echeverria, community and public affairs manager of the Bay Area’s leading Spanish-language television stations KDTV Univision 14 and KFSF TeleFutura 66 since November 2006.

Panelists will include Salvador Acevedo, president of CONTEMPOR’e1NEA, a research and evaluation firm, and Carolina Guana, Multicultural Group Account Director Allison+Partners. (Read more)

Are you covering the PRSA International Conference and want to be included in the next #PRSAICON Around the Blogosphere round-up? Send your information to

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