PR Specialization PR Training

PRSA Digital Impact Conference – Day 2

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Just heard the keynote speaker, New York Times’ David Carr. If you ever have a chance to hear him speak, do not miss it. He’s a paradigmatic journalist and yet as contemporary in his knowledge and outlook as they come. He also has a brilliant, dry sense of humor that will keep you laughing while you’re being educated. It’s a rapid-fire experience – knowledge, insight, levity – all coming at you via a deceptively understated, deadpan delivery. I think the fact that this journalist’s journalist is also the Internet’s “Carpetbagger” captures the conundrum that is David Carr

Authored by Joseph DeRupo, assistant public relations director, Public Relations Society of America.

David Carr
writes the column “The Media Equation” for the Monday Business section of the New York Times that focuses on media issues including print, digital, film, radio and television. He also works as a general assignment reporter in the Culture section of The New York Times covering all aspects of popular culture writes the column “The Media Equation” for the Monday Business section of the New York Times that focuses on media issues including print, digital, film, radio and television. He also works as a general assignment reporter in the Culture section of The New York Times covering all aspects of popular culture.

Carr presented “Media: The Digital Intersection,” as the keynote speaker, at the Digital Impact Conference on Tuesday, July 10, 2008 in New Nork, NY!

About the author

Joseph DeRupo

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