PR Training PRSA News

PRSA Chapters: Updated Initiatives and Improved Membership Benefits for 2012

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PRSA is dedicated to providing members with the resources they need to flourish in 2012. Updated initiatives and improved benefits include: free online training webinars, revamped Chapter support, Professional Interest Section conferences, PRSA member loyalty programs, expanded District development and real savings through PRSA member discounts.

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As the role of the public relations professional continues to evolve and the profession continues to grow, PRSA is dedicated to providing Chapters with the resources they need to flourish in 2012.

Updated initiatives and improved benefits for 2012 include:

Free Online Training Webinars: Webinars are now free with PRSA membership. This represents nearly $2,000 in annual savings for members who participate in just one PRSA webinar per month. Upcoming webinars include:

Revamped Chapter support: PRSA National is working toward tailored plans to make recruitment easier for our Chapters. We are developing customized programming guides and easy-to-use social media templates to make administrative tasks less time-consuming and help you better engage with your members.

Professional Interest Section conferences: Our Professional Interest Sections, designed to facilitate exchange of knowledge and opportunities between members of highly-specialized practices like Travel and Tourism and Healthcare, will be holding a series of skill-building conferences in 2012. Learn about networking with colleagues in your field here and read about our upcoming Professional Interest Section conferences on our webpage.

Loyalty programs: An organization is only as strong as its members, and we’d like to reward PRSA’s most-involved members. PRSA is currently in the planning phase to develop a cross-channel program to facilitate the engagement, retention and growth of PRSA’s member base.

Expanded District Development: PRSA is working to connect practitioners who may belong to different Chapters but who still can provide insight and business opportunities to each other. We will build out the connections between regional communities and make networking among your regional peers simpler through conferences and online initiatives.

Real Savings through Member Discounts: Members enjoy discounts through our partnerships and affiliations available exclusively to PRSA members, including GEICO, FedEx, Avis and much more. Visit our Member Discount page to learn more.

Among these many member benefits, PRSA is pleased to offer a quarterly dues payment plan as a benefit for renewing members. Current members can pay their National and Professional Interest Section dues in four quarterly payments. The first payment will also include the $15 annual service fee and full Chapter dues.

PRSA’s Membership team is here to provide the infrastructure and support necessary for local Chapters to serve their communities and organize programming and networking events that advance the profession and its professionals. Our organization is only as strong as its members and, together, we are stronger than ever!

Rachel O’Leary is the vice president of PRSA Member Services. Contact her at

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Rachel O’Leary

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