Career Guide

TAKE NOTE: Key Ways to Say “Thank You” When You Are Building Your New & Empowered Network (cont.)

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[Part II of II – To read part I, click here.]

5. When your advocates recommend you. This is the best form of advertising you can ever get. It’s so easy to take the time and go back to our advocate and say, “Thank you for referring me to ____. I will keep you posted and informed on what develops. It means a great deal to me to know that you’re willing to recommend me. I appreciate it.” This type of “thank you” might include a small gift as well.

6. When your contacts are patient; or not so patient. Our contacts help us when they give us time to learn how to best serve them. Often this requires their patience. On the other hand, they give us a “wake-up call” when they ask us to hurry up. When this happens they might really be saying, “Hey, remember me? Keep me in mind, or I just might get swept away by the competition.” In either case, pull out a note card again and let them know how important they are to you. Perhaps say, “Thanks for keeping me on my toes. I appreciate how you help keep me on my toes.”

7. When someone says “no” to you. You’ve gone on an interview or meeting and you didn’t get the job, this time. It’s still the opportunity to write a short note. Thank them for their time, their consideration and their honesty. Keep the door open by being friendly and courteous. Research I conducted in the last four years shows that almost 20 percent of jobs and opportunities comes from prospects that said no the first time. People remembered the notes and can make a difference.

8. When people make you smile. One contact will call up and just give me some good news. Whatever it is, it makes me smile, and I want them to know that they’ve made me feel good. This technique always gets noticed and remembered.

Every day take 15 minutes at the beginning or end of the day and write three short goodwill notes— one to a prospect, one to a client and one to a friend. Just say hi, send an article, or say thanks — and make it specific. When you do this, at the end of the week you’ll have made 15 “goodwill” contacts, and at the end of the year, 750. Think of the “business seeds” you’ll have planted. Some of this could germinate into additional business. And if you like this article, drop me a note.

By Andrea R. Nierenberg, founder and president, The Nierenberg Group, is a best-selling author and a world-renowned business authority. Called a “networking success story” by The Wall Street Journal, Andrea brings a stellar 25 years as a leader in sales and marketing to the table, making her an in-demand business expert both at home and abroad. Andrea speaks in cross-cultural settings, at international companies and conferences. Her company partners with an array of the world’s leading businesses, including Citigroup, Time Inc., TIAA-CREF, The Food Network, Omnicom, Coach, Deutsche Bank, Tiffany & Co. and Douglas Elliman Real Estate, to name just a few. She serves on the board of the Boy Scouts of America-Greater New York Councils and has been honored by Office Depot and the National Association for Female Executives as Business Woman of the Year. She also has received the Direct Marketing Association of New York’s Silver Apple Award for her longstanding dedication to the direct marketing industry.

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About the author

Andrea R. Nierenberg


  • Both parts I & II of “Key Ways to Say “Thank You” When You Are Building Your New & Empowered Network” have been thought provoking and helpful. It is good to be reminding of the proper ways to say thank you while on the job and post-interview. As one who will be graduating, it is important to gain helpful tips so that I can do the best I can in the job field. Both of these articles have helped better prepare me to be able to do just this.

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